10 Ways to Boost Your Creativity

July 16, 2013

Whether you're stuck in a creative rut, looking for a new project to immerse yourself in, or simply hoping to harness creativity like you never have before, there are plenty of ways to get your creativity flowing. Take a look at these 10 helpful tips for boosting your creativity right away!

1. Try new things. The more you open your mind to new things, the more you can be inspired by. So, try something you've never done before as often as you can.

2. Set aside time for creativity. It's easy to get caught up in the rush of life. So, f you notice you've been putting your creativity on the back burner, consider setting aside a little bit of time each week to work on your creative projects.

3. Write down your ideas. Whenever a new idea comes to you, write it down immediately. It's easy to forget an idea if it comes to you while your busy at work or drifting off to sleep, but if you just take a moment to write it down, you can be sure you'll have it for later.

4. Do something relaxing. Go for a walk in the woods, read a book, or do some yoga. Make sure you take time to yourself to do something you enjoy in order to de-stress and make your mind more open for creative thoughts to enter.

5. Surround yourself with other creative people. Join a club, take a class, or check out a local art event. Talking with other people about their creativity will help to spark new ideas for you and get the creative juices flowing.

6. Think positively. Having a positive mental attitude is one of the best ways to succeed. Release negative thoughts and energy and focus on the positive things in your life.

7. Explore new ideas. It's likely you've thought of things you've wanted to do that may stray from your usual medium or style, but take the chance to explore those new ideas. Consider picking up a book or trying out a class in a type of art you've always wanted to try out.

8. Have a curious mind. Ask questions about things you're curious about and take time to learn about them. You never know what incredible things you can discover.

9. Keep a journal. Journaling is one of the best ways to discover new things about yourself, and it's an excellent tool for writing down ideas of new creative projects.

10. Daydream. Let your mind wander from time to time, without letting any stressful thoughts come in. Simply let your thoughts flow, and new ideas will surely enter your mind in no time.

If you have any other amazing tips for boosting your creativity, please let us know in the comments!