African Bloodstone Tower

African Bloodstone Tower
African Bloodstone Tower
African Bloodstone Tower
African Bloodstone Tower
African Bloodstone Tower
African Bloodstone Tower
African Bloodstone Tower
African Bloodstone Tower
African Bloodstone Tower
African Bloodstone Tower
African Bloodstone Tower African Bloodstone Tower African Bloodstone Tower African Bloodstone Tower African Bloodstone Tower African Bloodstone Tower African Bloodstone Tower African Bloodstone Tower African Bloodstone Tower African Bloodstone Tower
African Bloodstone Tower
$13.95 $11.16
Only 9 available

Welcome to the world of African Bloodstone Towers – a testament to nature's artistry and energetic brilliance. Our A Grade, Premium Quality towers stand approximately 2.75-3.75" tall, allowing you to choose the perfect size for your crystal journey. Each tower is sold individually, with multiples available to fulfill your crystal desires.

Healing and Metaphysical Properties:
African Bloodstone, renowned for its revitalizing energy, is a powerhouse of healing. This stone is believed to enhance courage, boost vitality, and promote a strong sense of self. It is said to stimulate the Root Chakra, grounding you to the Earth's energies while fostering a sense of balance and harmony.

African Bloodstone has a rich history rooted in ancient traditions. It has been treasured for centuries for its unique appearance and metaphysical properties. In various cultures, it is considered a talisman for strength and endurance.

Chakra Information:
Linked with the Root Chakra, African Bloodstone helps balance and align the foundational energy center. It's believed to enhance your connection to the Earth, providing stability and grounding.

Zodiac Signs:
African Bloodstone is associated with Aries, making it an ideal crystal for those born under this sign. It complements Aries' dynamic and courageous nature, providing additional strength and support.

Whether displayed in your living space, incorporated into meditation practices, or used in crystal grids, these African Bloodstone Towers are versatile companions. Embrace their energy during yoga, reiki sessions, or let them infuse your surroundings with their revitalizing vibes.

Embark on a journey of holistic well-being with our African Bloodstone Towers. Choose the size that resonates with you, and let the natural beauty and energetic potency of these towers elevate your crystal collection.


Metaphysical and Healing Information:

Crystals, gemstones, and minerals have been used for centuries for their metaphysical properties. While they are believed to have various spiritual, emotional, and physical benefits, it's important to understand that these properties are based on folklore, legends, and various belief systems. Crystals should not be used as a substitute for professional medical treatment or advice. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition or ailment.

Individual Experience:

The metaphysical properties described here are based on beliefs and traditions. The effects of crystals and gemstones can vary from person to person. Their efficacy relies heavily on an individual’s beliefs, intentions, and actions. What works for one person may not work the same way for another.

Your Responsibility:

By purchasing our products, you acknowledge and agree that you personally assume responsibility for your use or misuse of this information. It is your responsibility to research and decide which crystals and stones are best suited for your needs. If you have any concerns about your physical or mental health, you should always consult with a licensed healthcare professional.

Our Commitment:

We believe in the power of crystals as tools that can complement other therapies and support energetic well-being. We offer these products with the understanding that they are part of a holistic approach to wellness. We do not guarantee any specific outcomes from the use of our crystals, gemstones, or minerals.